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Commissioning and Brokerage Procedures

This procedure should be used by all adult social care practitioners, with the exception of:

  1. Practitioners arranging assistive technology or Telecare;
  2. Practitioners arranging minor works or low level adaptations;
  3. Occupational Therapy practitioners arranging equipment or a major adaptation.

Although this procedure may be helpful to those people with responsibility for commissioning or brokering services, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes.

The London Borough of Haringey uses a Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS] for all domiciliary care, whether generic or specialist in nature.

All domiciliary care services should be sourced through the Brokerage team without exception.

If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.

  1. Social worker to complete a needs assessment and a Care and Support plan which clearly sets out how the care should be delivered;
  2. Social worker to present the case at the Care Authorisation Panel to obtain funding agreement;
  3. Once funding has been confirmed, the Care and Support plan will be sent to Brokerage via a workflow on mosaic;
  4. The Care and Support plan will be allocated to a brokerage officer to source a provider to deliver the care stated in the plan;
  5. Brokerage officer to put out a requirement on DPS; No personal information can be put on this requirement apart from the person's postcode;
  6. Once the bidding process on DPS has ended, the brokerage officer will review all potential bids by reviewing the price and scoring the outcome statements on DPS;
  7. The brokerage officer is to confirm the selected provider on the DPS platform and create a service agreement;
  8. The brokerage officer is to then send the person's details, package of care details and Care and Support plan (via egress) to the selected provider; copying in the social worker so they are aware a provider has been sourced.
  9. The brokerage officer is to then update mosaic accordingly and issue the provider with a purchase order.

Note: Where suspending or reducing the service will place the person or carer at risk you should not make any changes until risk management strategies have been agreed.

Suspending a service 

  1. Person/family notifies social worker of any reason the service requires to be suspended e.g. hospital admission, going away on holiday etc;
  2. Social worker to create Brokerage contact on mosaic with information as to when the services need to be suspended from and, if known the date that services need to recommence;
  3. Workflow Brokerage to notify them of the above;
  4. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to suspend (and recommence) the service;
  5. Social Worker to inform the person (or their representative) of the suspension (and re-commencement) arrangements.

Reducing a service

  1. Social worker to update the last Client Review and Support plan on mosaic (or complete a new form if no previous review record exists);
  2. Workflow Brokerage to notify them of the change and the date it is to take effect;
  3. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to reduce the service;
  4. Brokerage to update mosaic with the new Care and Support plan
  5. Social worker to inform the person (or their representative) of the reduction arrangements;
  6. Workflow a 12 month review on mosaic to the review team.

Increasing a service

  1. Social worker to complete a needs assessment and a Care and Support plan which clearly sets out how the increase in care should be delivered;
  2. Social worker to present the case at the Care Authorisation Panel to obtain funding agreement;
  3. Once funding has been confirmed, the Care and Support plan will be sent to Brokerage via a workflow on mosaic to notify them of the change and the date it is to take effect;
  4. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to increase the service;
  5. Brokerage will make the necessary changes on mosaic;
  6. Social worker to inform the person (or their representative) of the increased arrangements;
  7. Workflow a 6 week review on Mosaic to the social worker who requested the increase in care.

Note: If the increase is only temporary and you know the date it is to end you should also notify Brokerage of this. If the date is not known follow the guidance above to reduce the service when it is no longer needed.

Change of Provider (Brokerage Officer Guidance)

  1. Start by challenging the change of provider: Ask social worker and/or provider if there is anything that could be changed in the existing arrangement that would allow it to continue – change of times, carer or tasks;
  2. Request written explanations of the issues from the social worker and/or provider;
  3. Tell social worker to submit a quality alert form to the Contract Monitoring Team;
  4. Ask social worker to update Care and Support plan if possible;
  5. The Care and Support plan will be allocated to a brokerage officer to source a provider to deliver the care stated in the plan;
  6. Brokerage officer to put out a requirement on DPS; No personal information can be put on this requirement apart from the person's postcode;
  7. Once the bidding process on DPS has ended, the brokerage officer will review all potential bids by reviewing the price and scoring the outcome statements on DPS;
  8. The brokerage officer is to confirm the selected provider on the DPS platform and create a service agreement;
  9. The brokerage officer is to then send the person's details, package of care details and Care and Support plan (via egress) to the selected provider; copying in the social worker so they are aware a provider has been sourced;
  10. The brokerage officer is to then update mosaic accordingly and issue the provider with a purchase order.

The London Borough of Haringey uses a Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS] for all reablement.

All reablement service requests have to come to Brokerage to process via the single point of access team – otherwise they will not be accepted.

  1. SPA will receive a pathway referral via the hospital;
  2. SPA to screen these referrals and create a reablement care plan;
  3. SPA to workflow brokerage to notify them of the care plan; number of hours per week and a breakdown of a daily care plan with a start date;
  4. Brokerage officer to put out a requirement on DPS; No personal information can be put on this requirement apart from the person's postcode;
  5. Once the bidding process on DPS has ended, the brokerage officer will review all potential bids by reviewing the price and scoring the outcome statements on DPS;
  6. The brokerage officer is to confirm the selected provider on the DPS platform and create a service agreement;
  7. The brokerage officer is to then send the person's details, package of care details and support plan (via egress) to the selected provider; copying in the reablement worker so they are aware a provider has been sourced;
  8. The brokerage officer is to then update mosaic accordingly and issue the provider with a purchase order.

Increasing/decreasing reablement

Note: An increase or decrease in the reablement service should only be requested following a proportionate review or re-assessment. Reductions should only be made when there is evidence that a reduced service will continue to be sufficient to enable to person to achieve their baseline level of independence.

All increases or decrease of reablement have to come via the single point of access team.

  1. SPA OT/PT to do a re-assessment of person's needs;
  2. Workflow to Brokerage to notify them of increase/decrease;
  3. Brokerage to liaise with the provider regarding increase/decrease;
  4. Brokerage to make necessary changes on mosaic;
  5. Brokerage to inform SPA that increase/decrease has been applied.

Terminating reablement

All requests for terminating reablement must come via the single point of access team.

Reablement should be terminated when a review or re-assessment has established that the person has returned to their baseline level of independence or when they have been admitted/re-admitted into hospital for a period of a week or longer (with no estimated date of discharge).

  1. SPA OT/PT to do a review of person's needs;
  2. Workflow to brokerage to notify them of the date reablement needs to be terminated;
  3. Brokerage to liaise with the provider regarding the date to terminate reablement;
  4. Brokerage to make necessary changes on mosaic;
  5. Brokerage to inform SPA that reablement has been terminated.

Residential and nursing care placements are commissioned on a spot contract basis via Adam's Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS].

If a framework provider is unable to deliver a service, Brokerage can identify a provider outside of the Framework and commission a spot contract.

All residential and nursing care placements must be arranged through the Brokerage team without exception.

If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.

  1. Social worker to complete a Care and Support plan;
  2. Social worker to then get an out of panel agreement from a head of service for the placement;
  3. Workflow to Brokerage notifying them of the need to find placement; geographical location to be added if this has been requested by person;
  4. Brokerage to add requirement to the DPS platform to send to providers;
  5. Providers submit their bids on the requirement;
  6. Brokerage to send a list of the providers whom have bid to social worker to enable the person/family to go and view provisions;
  7. Once the person/family have viewed the provisions, Brokerage to arrange assessment by provider;
  8. Provider completes assessment and sends across cost for the placement;
  9. Brokerage to negotiate the price and once happy send over to the social worker to get the fee approved by a head of service;
  10. Once a head of service has agreed, social worker to arrange date of admission with provider and send workflow into Brokerage;
  11. Brokerage make necessary changes on mosaic;
  12. Brokerage to add 6 week review to allocated worker and a 12 month review to the review team;
  13. Brokerage to create a placement contract.

The London borough of Haringey commissions all respite placements on a spot contract basis, whether generic or specialist in nature.

All respite should be arranged through the Brokerage team without exception.

If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.

  1. Social worker to complete a Care and Support plan with a request for an annual respite budget to be created;
  2. Social worker to present the case at the Care Authorisation Panel to have funding for respite approved;
  3. Workflow to Brokerage to load the annual respite for the year;
  4. Social worker to send out letter to person notifying them of their annual respite budget and the instructions on how to make arrangements.

Note: Before arranging respite make sure that the person has not exceeded the amount of respite set out in their Care and Support Plan.

The London Borough of Haringey uses a Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS] for providers for all supported living placements.

All supported living placements should be arranged through Brokerage without exception.

If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.

If a DPS provider is unable to deliver a service Brokerage can identify a provider outside of the DPS and commission a spot contract. If this is the case the DPS team must be informed so they can reach out to the provider to enroll them onto the DPS.

  1. Social worker to complete an assessment and a Care and Support plan; which should include what sort of supported living provision is required, how many 1:1 hours are needed per week, and any other relevant information (for example, if there are any geographical locations to avoid due to past history);
  2. Social worker to obtain out of panel approval from a head of service to enable Brokerage to source a supported living provision;
  3. Once approval has been confirmed; Care and Support plan/ pen profile to be sent to Brokerage;
  4. Brokerage to put a requirement out on DPS;
  5. Once the bidding process has reached its end on DPS; the brokerage officer will review the bids;
  6. Brokerage officer to send details of person to chosen providers to complete an assessment;
  7. Once the provider has completed their assessment; they are to send a breakdown of the proposed 1:1 hours and the cost to the brokerage officer;
  8. The brokerage officer and social worker will review the proposed 1:1 hours and cost;
  9. Once the negations are complete, the social worker will accompany the person to see the provision;
  10. Social worker to present the case at the Care Authorisation Panel to obtain funding agreement;
  11. Once funding has been confirmed, the Care and Support plan to be sent to Brokerage via a workflow on mosaic;
  12. The brokerage officer is to then update mosaic accordingly and issue the provider with a purchase order.

The London borough of Haringey manages all its shared lives provision via an outsourced provider, Ategi:

  1. Social worker to complete a referral form and to send directly to Ategi;
  2. Ategi will review the referral and source suitable match for person;
  3. Once match has been found, Ategi will arrange through the social worker for the person to have taster sessions with the matched carer;
  4. If the taster sessions go well, Ategi will arrange overnight stays of 1 night for a trial period;
  5. Social worker to present the case at the Care Authorisation Panel to obtain funding agreement;
  6. Once funding has been confirmed, the Care and Support plan will be sent to Brokerage via a workflow on mosaic;
  7. The brokerage officer is to then update mosaic accordingly and issue the provider with a purchase order.

For further information about shared lives see: Ategi 

The Ategi referral form is available in the local resources area.

The London borough of Haringey has a number of in house day provisions with a range of services for people with a physical and/or learning disabilities or mental health issues. They also commission external providers to provide day opportunities.

For further information see: Day Opportunities

The Extra Care Referral Form can be found in the local resource area.

As part of our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our residents, the London Borough of Haringey has recently commissioned a new provider of carer support services.

Carers First provide a service dedicated to increasing the reach and provision that is available to unpaid adult carers in the borough. The charity has been delivering services to carers for 27 years and currently supports over 20,000 carers across England.

Carers can access information, advice and guidance by telephone, online and in person in the community. A focus for the service is to reach 'hidden or disengaged' carers, ensuring that they have access to appropriate support at an early stage to prevent crisis and enable them to continue to care with confidence.

They will also manage the carers register to ensure carers receive accurate and up-to date information about services in the borough. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Emotional support and guidance;
  • Peer support groups providing mutual support;
  • Advice and assistance;
  • Face to face, drop in and telephone appointments;
  • Training courses;
  • Workshops;
  • Newsletter.

Locally based teams of carer support volunteers will work with carers to increase their access and connectivity to the local community and sources of support.

For further information see:

Carers First

Tel: 0300 303 1555 

Last Updated: October 28, 2022
